

Its that time again – Here we have come full circle once again to another  Thanksgiving.

This has been an insanely busy year for me. As much as I love all of the people and thing in my life it is not very often that I get much time to reflect upon that which I am thankful for.

I do often think in spare moments that I am thankful for my Home, my family, my husband, and my boys. But these moments are fleeting and overwhelmed by the hectic flow of my life.  Today I would truly like to take some time to pause and reflect upon the people and things which I am thankful for. I am working om creating a list on pinterest for some of these things.




A Thanks Giving


There are those reflective moments in life,  when I take a step back to survey my life. It is in these quiet moments when I feel a true joy. I know in these moments, surrounded by those who I hold dear,  that I am truly blessed.

I am so thankful to have food. There have been times when I have not had a table with food or food in my pantry. I believe to be thankful for  this most basic essential one must go without first.

I am thankful for my loving family. There have been moments in my life where I was truly alone.
These were the darkest times. The love provided by friends and family feeds ones spirit in dark hours.

I am thankful to be alive. I am thankful to be able to experience these blessings and feel the warmth of spirit known as gratitude.

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